
Cassandra Jenkins: Midnight Chats – Episode 143

Jeff Bezos firing William Shatner into space, working at the New Yorker and almost quitting music

New York musician Cassandra Jenkins really shouldn’t be on Midnight Chats, or any podcast talking about her new album, My Light, My Destroyer, because that record, near-perfect though it is, was never going to be made.

On this week’s episode she tells about how she had decided to quite music after releasing her last album, but things went unexpectedly well, so here we are, discussing one of the best albums that will be released in 2024, Jenkins’ obsession with space, finding inspiration in a billionaire sending Captain Kirk into space, her Manhattan home life living with her parents, and what happens next is this “bonus round” of her life.

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You can watch clips of the podcast online now, just give us a follow on Instagram @midnightchatspod.

Further reading/viewing:

Our 10/10 album review of My Light, My Destroyer

The moment William Shatner returned to Earth

The mighty Zabar’s


Editing by Stuart Stubbs

Mixing and mastering by Flo Lines

Artwork by Kate Prior